Thai Massage, Swedish Massage, Chinese Massage, Asian Massage, Japanese.
* Considering the heavenly environment with the most Luxurious Massage to fully bring out All of your Tensions and Anxieties.
* Imagine peace, comfort. let us bring you relaxation and a sense of ease from your pressures of everyday life through a Full Body Massage.
Please Calm and Relax that to enjoy an exhilarating feeling beyond your wildest imagination by our highly trained Asian Masseuses.
Enjoy the smooth feeling like of a hand of silk.
Meanwhile, Let us bring you a Fabulous Ancient Body Massage as an Touching Art to Refresh and Care for your Body and your Soul.
Ancient Whole body Massage:
(Highly Recommanded)
We will begin by having you recline on your back with pillows under your head and a towel covered pillow supporting your hips. Your abdomen, thighs, feet, toes, chest and fingers are then gently massaged with warm aromatic oil. Nothing will escape attention. Your energy flow is stimulated and senses awakened as your body's sensitivity increases.
You feel as if you are in a trance, where physical boundaries dissolve, time disappears, worries and problems no longer seem important, or are forgotten altogether.
* Chinese Massage :
The most professional massage which combines the essence of Chinese-style and
Thai-style massage skills;In the treatment, it will make you feel renewed and refreshed in both body and mind.
* Full body oil Massage :
Oils are applied easily to the skin for a light, even glide and smooth workability which is beneficial for improving your blood circulation.We use in this massage cream provides the right balance between workable massage oil and an absorbable lotion.Then, You will be coached to breathe properly, as you sink into yet deeper level of relaxation. In this very loving ceremony you will be completely nurtured and pampered in the arms of your goddess, giving you a feeling of comfort and sense of well-being.
* Thai Massage :
Thai is a traditional massage which stimulates the points with a healing touch. therefore, the points suffer less stress, and life's energy is allowed toFreely circulate. It aims to harmonize the body, to loosen blocks, and to recoup deficiencies along the energy lines. Thai massage will strengthen you Physically and harmonize your energy so a new life experience can arise.
* Four Hands Massage :
It’s really a exhilarating experience massage when we use touch through rubbing or kneading of parts of The body to aid circulation relax the muscles; Provide special Tech Silky Massage is one of the OLDEST simplest forms of therapy. The basic goal of this massage therapy is to help the body heal itself and to Increase health and well being. According to the tension part of your body Our therapists will feel it after couple minutes checking without your telling, then after a therapeutic Massage you will find out your body is rebuilt.
Studio in Belfast
Start from 30mins: £40 ; One Hour £60